Great wine is first made in the vineyard using exceptional fruit.
Tessier Winery is proud to source grapes from unique sites throughout Northern California
farmed by these great stewards of the land. The fruit we source is always organically farmed, hand picked and hand sorted.
These vineyards are icons in the industry with high viticultural standards.

Barsotti Vineyard, El Dorado
This vineyard is organically farmed. At a 2850 ft. elevation the soil type is decomposed granite. Planted in 2008 these are head-trained, standing 5 - 7 ft. high, solar block.
Goldbud & Fenaughty Vineyard, El Dorado
This vineyard is organically farmed. At 2850 ft. elevation the soil type is Aiken red volcanic soil, very fine and powdery with pebble-sized lava rocks. Planted in 2003, trellising is head trained standing 5 ft high. They are Tablas clone, northwest facing, 5-18% slope.

Saveria Vineyard, Santa Cruz Mountains
This vineyard is organically farmed. It is farmed by Prudy Foxx, at a 613.48 ft. elevation the soil type is Baywood loamy sand, Elder sandy loam, calcareous and colluvial soil. It's planted in 2001, trellising VSP, 11 acres, 2-9% slope, clones 115, 667, 777, and 828 (La Tâche)

Siletto Family Vineyards, San Benito
Organically farmed along the San Benito River and Tres Pinos Creek. Featuring 34 varieties that average 32 years in age. Soil: Various gravel, sand, and silt loams

Filigreen Farm Vineyard, Anderson Valley
This vineyard is biodynamically farmed and certified organic. It's farmed by Stephanie Tebbutt & Chris Rainald, at a 400 ft. elevation the soil type is clay and loam. The home block has the old vines with upright curtain trellising, planted in 1946 these are pommard clone with St. George rootstock. The Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir are on the main property.

Zabala Vineyard, Arroyo Seco
This vineyard is certified sustainable and farmed organically. It's owned by Lou Zabala and farmed by Jason Melvin. At 400 ft. elevation the vineyard is planted in a former river bed with sandy, rocky, granitic, porous soils. Planted in 2007 these 12 acre block, clone UCD4 on 1103P rootstock.